Our local donation pickup service is a free service that is available to anybody in Victoria. If you have some materials that you want to throw away and you think they might be of use to us, we’d love to hear from you. If you’re not sure, call us anyway. You may be surprised at what we will take. Take advantage of our free waste services today.

Got something to throw away?
Call our craft store! If you have bins full of stuff that are sitting around, you don’t have to pay to get rid of waste that to somebody else, could be very useful. There are so many people who could make good use of offcuts, over-runs, left-overs, outdated stock and discontinued lines. You know what they say: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure!
At Resource Rescue, we collect clean materials that could be re-used. We can supply drums to your organisation and collect your waste FREE on a regular basis. At the moment we collect from over 100 businesses on a regular basis and our list is growing.
You’d really be helping out our community, especially schools, kindergartens and childcare facilities that don’t have a lot of money to spend on craft materials. Kids absolutely love the range of quirky things we have available, as do art and craft enthusiasts.
People come to us because they know we’ve always got an amazing selection of weird and wonderful things that can be used in play-based education and learning.
Check out our suitable materials page to see if you are elegible for our local donation pickup service.